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How to launch a Financial Wellness Platform for your employees

You don’t have a Financial Wellness Platform for your employees? No problem! 

Along with so many other companies, you know that your employees are looking for more financial wellness options. They want solutions they can use now vs. the traditional financial wellness tools like 401(k)s. 

A Financial Wellness Platform that offers solutions from

is exactly what your employees are looking for so they can get their finances on track for a strong future.

So, how do you launch a Financial Wellness Platform for your employees?


Start here…

1. Evaluate your employees’ needs

Financial wellness programs will look different for every company. Depending on your industry, worker types and employee demographics, you may want some programs and you may not want others. That’s normal. 

7 out of 10 human resources professionals indicated that personal financial challenges have a large or some impact on their employees’ performance. That’s why you evaluate your employees’ needs to understand what is interesting to them and what isn’t.

We do this every single year to better understand what our customers really truly want…


2. Find programs to fit those needs

Financial wellness has become much more widely discussed recently so there are more programs available than in previous years. Though most programs are standalone and would require you to vet them all individually. That’s why a Financial Wellness Platform is so beneficial, not just for your employees, but for you and your team as well. 

It takes the hard work and dedicated time away from your plate. That’s why TrueConnect is a great option for your financial wellness needs. Our platform provides options for your employees no matter where they are on their financial journey. Want to learn more, contact us today!


3. Train your team

Before you can launch any new program, your team needs to be up-to-speed. Start by working with your Financial Wellness Platform partner to gather the materials you need:

When your whole team is up-to-speed, it’s easier come launch of the program. Most individuals feel more confident in a program when those that implemented it are confident in their ability to share it.


4. Launch internally

Use the materials provided above by your Financial Wellness Platform to launch internally. For a successful launch–one that gets your employees excited about and utilizing the new platform–you really should promote across a few different channels.

We’ve seen the most success in our own program launches by utilizing email and print materials. 

Most people need to see something at least seven times before they register what it is. A series of 4-5 emails over the course of a few weeks from launch is best. If you’re in an office, printing any fliers and including them on bulletin boards, in break rooms and near coffee machines tends to get some traction. Don’t forget to include QR codes on these fliers! Thanks to the pandemic for bringing this back in style… 

If your office is remote, postcards are handy. They can get sent straight to your employees at home and are sometimes even more effective than other means of communication, at least in our experience.


5. Establish metrics of success

Lastly, make sure that you establish some metrics of success with your Financial Wellness Platform partner. What benchmarks can they provide you? What does success here mean to you? Is it the number of employees who create an account? Is it the use of a specific program on the platform? 

Work with your partner to determine these together. 


Are you ready?

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